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2ème Appel à Candidature: Projet Fatima Al Fihri EMA2 Lot 1

Erasmus Mundus lance le deuxième appel à mobilité « Erasmuns Mundus ALFIHRI ». L’appel est ouvert jusqu’au 15 janvier 2014. Toutes les informations relatives à l’appel sont sur le site web: (version Anglaise)

La soumission se fait en ligne sur le formulaire de candidature (application form), de ce fait il est recommandé de bien lire toutes les conditions de participation sur le site web et  de préparer tous les documents demandés avant de commencer la soumission.

N.B: Ce programme cible, les étudiants en licences (Groupe 1 et 3)  et le staff académique et administratif (Groupes 1 & 2)


Second CALL FOR APPLICATIONS under EMA2 Lot 1 Fatima Al Fihri project

The second call for applications is opened ONLY for:

  • UNDERGRADUATE mobilities (Target Group 1 and 3)
  • ADMINISTRATIVE and ACADEMIC STAFF mobilities (Target Group 1 and 2) 

Both types of mobilities(Undergraduate and Staff) are opened for

* North african and;

European applicants


Deadline for applications: January 15th 2014 (midnight Central European Time)



Please visit:


Please visit:

Important note: During the pre-selection process, it will be encouraged those applications of candidates (undergraduates and administrative/academic staff) from North Africa partner universities who had sent lower number of candidates than other partner universities in the first cohort of mobilities.


The Consortium has reached the maximum number of mobilities for MASTER, DOCTORATE and POST-DOCTORATE types of mobilities, therefore please refer to:; if your application is not eligible within this scholarship project, you could find other North Africa coordinators schoalrship projects.

For further doubts or concerns, contact us through:

Our email addres:

Facebook page:

Twitter page:


Check Al Fihri project webinar’s video where second call for applications facts, European host unviersities information was provided and online questions were answered:

Good luck!
