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News about calls for proposals


Future Leaders Connect : Call for applications

Future Leaders Connect offers its members the opportunity to be part of a long term worldwide network of emerging policy leaders. You will have the chance to discuss some of the biggest global policy issues in the Houses of Parliament in London, develop your leadership skills and learn from...


Scholarship from the University of Murcia

In the framework of a cooperation agreement between the Moulay Ismail University and the University of Murcia, the Vice-Chancellor for Coordination and Internationalization, through the Campus Mare Nostrum, will launch shortly a call for granting international students who come from foreign...


Seminar on entrepreneurial skills

As part of the international cooperation program DEVEN3C “Entrepreneurial Skills Development in the Moroccan University: Creativity, Knowledge and Culture” co-financed by the European Union, a seminar was organized under the theme: “Entrepreneurial Skills” on March, 1st, 2015 at the...


Internship Program at the European Investment Bank

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has launched a new recruitment campaign for its FEMIP Internship Programs. The Programme is open to students who are nationals of the Mediterranean partner countries only (Algeria, Egypt, Gaza/West Bank, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia) and...


Horizon 2020 launched with €15 billion over first two years

11th December 2013, the European Commission has for the first time presented calls for projects under Horizon 2020, the European Union's €80 billion research and innovation program. Worth more than €15 billion over the first two years, the funding is intended to help boost Europe's...


L’Université Moulay Ismaïl lance l’incubateur universitaire « iBDA3 » où l’idée devient une entreprise innovante.

Poussée par sa volonté d’exceller dans l’innovation et le transfert de la technologie, l’université Moulay Ismail à créer un incubateur universitaire pour la région Meknès Tafilalet. IBDA3 (créativité et innovation), au service de développement du business, est un incubateur...
