Call of paper : English language needs analysis in institutions of science and technology
Call for papers for a Conference on : English language needs analysis in institutions of science and technology 18-19 april 2019 FLSH – Meknes
Future Leaders Connect : Call for applications
Future Leaders Connect offers its members the opportunity to be part of a long term worldwide network of emerging policy leaders. You will have the chance to discuss some of the biggest global policy issues in the Houses of Parliament in London, develop your leadership skills and learn from...
FST-Errachidia: International Workshop on Applied Mathematics
The aim of the International Workshop on Applied Mathematics, Errachidia, March 13, 2017 is to bring researchers and professionals to discuss recent developments in both theoretical and applied mathematics, to create the knowledge exchange platform between mathematicians. The conference is...
Scholarship from the University of Murcia
In the framework of a cooperation agreement between the Moulay Ismail University and the University of Murcia, the Vice-Chancellor for Coordination and Internationalization, through the Campus Mare Nostrum, will launch shortly a call for granting international students who come from foreign...
International Women’s Day
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, Moulay Ismail University organized a day dedicated to women under the theme: “Women at the service of the university” on Friday, March 11th, 2016 at the presidency head office. This day was dedicated to honor all women: our mothers, our...
Seminar on entrepreneurial skills
As part of the international cooperation program DEVEN3C “Entrepreneurial Skills Development in the Moroccan University: Creativity, Knowledge and Culture” co-financed by the European Union, a seminar was organized under the theme: “Entrepreneurial Skills” on March, 1st, 2015 at the...

Internship Program at the European Investment Bank
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has launched a new recruitment campaign for its FEMIP Internship Programs. The Programme is open to students who are nationals of the Mediterranean partner countries only (Algeria, Egypt, Gaza/West Bank, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia) and...
The Fourth International Workshop on RFID And Adaptive Wireless Sensor Networks
The Research Team SMSC (Security and Modeling of Communication Systems) of MISC Laboratory of IBN Tofail University and Moulay Ismail University organize: The Fourth International Workshop on RFID And Adaptive Wireless Sensor Networks To be held in conjunction with the International Conference...
International Workshop on Technologies, Algorithms, Models, Platforms and Applications for Smart Cities (TAMPAS’18)
Smart Cities represent a new way of managing and living in the modern urban space and a growing social services are digitally available to the citizens. Many planetary challenges in Smart city scenarios are arising and tackling issues related to energy, food, transportation, health-care,...
Master scholarships for Biology Students
The Université libre de Bruxelles is coordinating the Erasmus Mundus TROPIMUNDO Master programme for which the European Commission offers a certain number of fully covering scholarships for EU and non-EU students. There are no country restrictions whatsoever. As Erasmus Mundus is the educational...