
scholarships at the Pan African University
The African Union offers full scholarships to Master and PhD students coming from member states at the Pan African University (PAU). Calls for scholarship applications are issued and widely disseminated by the Rectorate and students apply online. PAU Institutes establish juries of local, regional...

ENSAM : Master (Call for application)
L’ENSAM (Engineering School) just launched a Master in Mathematical Modeling in Engineering for the academic year 2017-2018. For more information please take a look at the Master’s brochure or just list the school’s website :

MarMOOC, the first Moroccan e-learning platform
Six Moroccan public and private universities will take part in the launch of a Moroccan e-learning platform named MarMOOC. Start-up costs for the venture are estimated at one million euros. Moroccan and European stakeholders held a meeting in the Spanish city of Vigo on January 12 and 13 to...

Academic offer 2018-2019
Catalogue des formations accréditées et en cours d'accréditation pour l'année 2016-2017

Scholarships for the University of Porto (Portugal) – Erasmus+
The Erasmus+ Programme – mobility for study offers the possibility to spend a period of studies at the University of Porto for Bachelor, Master and PhD students from the University of Moulay Ismaïl

Chinese Gervernment Scholarship Program: Call for Applications
The Call for Applications for the Chinese Gervernment Scholarship Program is now open. Click here to apply now

Competition notice: Specialized Master “social intermediation and Development”
La Doyenne de la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Meknès porte à la connaissance des étudiants qu’un Master spécialisé en « Développement social et intermédiation » est ouvert au sein de l’établissement pour l’année universitaire 2012-2013. Conditions d’accès :...

Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme for Young Researchers from the European Neighbourhood
Universities of the Coimbra Group offer short-term visits to young researchers from higher education institutions from countries in the European Neighbourhood. The main aim of this scholarship programme is to enable scholars to undertake research in which they are engaged in their home institution...