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Rector’s Message

Président For the period of our second term (2019-2023) at the head of the Moulay Ismail University, we intend to conduct a clear and transparent development policy based on the consolidation of achievements obtained and the improvement of shortcomings, especially as, the results expected during our first term are very satisfactory and encouraging and that we are required to invest more in teamwork and in the synergy of the many stakeholders through a number of concrete actions, in particular:

Pedagogically,by diversifying its training offer, be it initial or further training, in accordance with the job market;

In terms of student activities by strengthening sports associations and socio-cultural associations set up at the level of each institution and by encouraging students to join these associations for a better fulfillment which is necessary afterwards in  an active life insertion;

In the field of scientific research through a restructuring policy aimed at federating and pooling resources and equipment, as well as implementing centers of expertise and structures that would meet socio-economic needs in terms of training and expertise. Our policy also aims at continuously encouraging scientific production.

In terms of cooperation and international relationsby consolidating the links with our privileged partners and by developing programs funded by large endowments, that would allow to drain considerable own funds required for a better development. Today, we are among the leaders in terms of involvement in Erasmus international mobility programs;

In terms of governance through the implementation of procedures and an effective information system that responds to the needs of the university in terms of student affairs management and staffing, in terms of management of massiveness at the level of institutions with open access, and a financial management through an integrated management of all institutions pertaining to the university, and regulations that allow everyone to be treated and considered in the most fair way possible;

On the development of skillsthrough further training in all areas that are related to the financial and administrative management, allowing these resources to be in tune with the evolution and global change;

On the social dialogue level through a frank and continuous communication strategy with all trade unions and the empowerment of serene and favorable working conditions for better work performance;

In terms of infrastructureby increasing the reception capacity and the construction of new institutions that would meet the needs of the national and international economy;

Our ambition is to continue what we have started during the last four years because we today believe that we have made a good diagnosis required to upgrade the university level and we are convinced of being able to continue to bring realizable and practical solutions against the challenges of this prestigious university to help transform it into a major university.


Pr. Hassane SAHBI
UMI Rector
